Firstly, a warm welcome from all of our volunteers and officials.
A practice day (free of charge), the day before the event (29th July 2025), booking details come with the welcome email.
We run our practice area, next to the car park for free, over the duration of the event. Add to that the largest artificial grass short game area in the UK, the competitors can practice to their hearts content.
A focal point of the event is the main scoreboard, situated next to the clubhouse.
On registration at the club, each competitor gets a event bag tag, daily pin positions, and on completion, a dedicated score checking station, to make sure no mistakes are made.
On course we have a set of spotters to make life easier for the players, together with a pair of Rule’s Officials travelling by buggy to sort any issues. We take any rules issue as a chance to educate, not lecture, and any decisions are done in a kindly manor, we recognise this can be overwhelming for some.