Now in its 12th year, the North of England Under 14 Junior Stroke Play Championship, has it roots in England Golf’s decision to ask South Moor to host the 2011 McGregor Trophy. During the event past president of EG, Roy Case, was impressed by our dedication to Junior Golf.
In 2012, we hosted a brand new under 12’s competition “The Tiger Tour”, which although a great idea, struggled to generate sufficient entries, it was ran by Roy.
After a meeting in late 2013, we decided to open up the age range to Under 14, as we saw a hole in the competition calendar, for players of that age, and launched a new event. The club then obtained funding from its local councilors, to help promote the event, and make sure it had a chance to get off the ground.
The event is now ran by South Moor Golf Club, being passed to us in 2020.
The rest is history as they say, with 930 players having played to date, a mixture of Boys and Girls, the event quickly became a must play, as a combination of great course, with a stellar list of winners.
For 2025, we have tweaked the event slightly, with a disappointing Girl entry over the past 3-4 years, the decision has been made to make the event a true “open” event, with the categories for Girls removed, unfortunately the numbers playing made the award of trophies meaningless against the overall competition.
However if numbers ever increased, we have the option to re-instate.